EA was founded in 1973 in response to promulgation of the Clean Water Act, and we continue to develop responsible solutions for our clients in meeting regulatory requirements while acknowledging economic realities and sustaining public acceptance. By integrating technical and management expertise, EA provides value-added solutions to environmental issues and concerns that our clients are required to address.
Contact Dan Savercool, CSE, National Service Line Program Manager.
EA’s pioneer projects were providing aquatic services to the utility industry, based in our academic expertise. While the types of aquatic services EA offers and the client base that we provide these services for has grown and diversified, we have maintained the same innovative, science-based approach that EA was founded upon. It is our integrity and attention to detail that has made EA a respected leader in aquatic services for more than 40 years.
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Through the integration of engineering, science, and technology, we offer our clients sound solutions to ecosystem restoration—from ecosystem evaluation and site selection through field investigations, project design, permitting, and monitoring. Our clients rely on us to restore estuaries and salt marshes, create wetlands, remove dams, beneficially re-use dredged material, restore contaminated sites, and enhance fish passages…and we often succeed with award-winning results.
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EA is an industry leader in conducting marine environmental sampling, as well as oceanographic measurement and monitoring services to federal and state agencies, port authorities, and commercial clients throughout the United States.
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EA is recognized for our expertise in the management of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) quality assurance environmental review. We have successfully prepared hundreds of NEPA and SEPA environmental impact statements for public and private sector clients. In addition, we have assisted clients in obtaining Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance and Determination of Non-Significance decisions through the preparation of Environmental Checklists, and mitigation documents.
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EA professional biologists, ecologists, and botanists have extensive experience conducting flora and fauna surveys within a wide variety of habitats and natural communities. Staff specialists provide habitat assessments and conduct determinate surveys for special-status plant and wildlife species including those protected under the federal Endangered Species Act.
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In the ever-changing regulatory climate, EA’s scientists represent stability through our extensive compliance experience. From small-scale plot evaluations to more complicated linear projects, we are equipped with the knowledge, tools, and resources to deliver integrated terrestrial services and livable solutions for even the most complex land use challenges.
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EA biologists, foresters, ecologists, botanists, fisheries biologists, and soil scientists have logged thousands of management support and field hours conducting in-depth and comprehensive surveys and assessments in upland, riverine, and environmentally sensitive areas, throughout the United States.
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