Providing our clients the ability to access the information they need, when they need it, in a user-friendly and secure format. We specialize in full system life cycle services from analysis and planning to development and implementation, ongoing maintenance and support data set development, and field data collection technologies.
Contact Jason Samus, Technical Chief, Project Manager/Senior Systems Analyst.
Asset management involves the full life cycle of infrastructure including planning, long-term fiscal strategies, maintenance, resource planning and decommissioning. From initial assessment to system selection for implementation, end-user adoption, and integrations, EA provides critical asset management support for many local governments. Our team works to understand each community’s unique challenges and tailor asset management support to meet those needs in a way that maximizes efficiency, increases end-user adoption, and provides a path for growth.
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From planning through collection, analysis, validation, and reporting, EA provides full life cycle data management services. We offer a variety of services, including field data collection applications, relational database management systems, GIS, modeling, and web-based applications for viewing and reporting analytical, geospatial, and file-based data.
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EA provides a full range of GIS services from data collection and generation, data management, analysis, cartography, and mobile- and web-based applications. As an Esri business, we specialize in developing and supporting ArcGIS Server- and ArcGIS Online-based applications for field data collection, data visualization, and decision support as well as public viewing and presentation.
To support our GIS services, EA is a Business Partner with Esri.
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EA assists our clients with each of the four key stages of their information management system implementation projects: requirements and specification, selection, acquisition, and implementation. Our IT professionals and subject matter experts have significant experience guiding our clients through this significant and complex process to achieve the desired business success. EA specializes in Asset Management, and Environmental and Sustainability Management Systems.
To support our Information Management services, EA is a Business Partner with Cityworks.
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EA’s experienced staff help our clients through the complex processes for planning, implementing, and operating IT systems. We provide support through the initial planning, analysis, and design stages for IT system projects. Our multi-disciplinary consulting teams include Business and IT professionals as well as relevant subject matter experts in the environmental, engineering, and science fields.
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Utilizing a client-focused approach through a combination of agile and DevOps-based methodologies, EA has successfully developed over 100 custom applications for dozens of federal, state, local, and private sector clients. Our custom systems have targeted multiple platforms such as web, tablet, and mobile using a combination of technologies including Net, JQuery, SQL Server, Oracle, and ArcGIS.
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EA provides hosting, support, and maintenance services for the applications we develop and implement in our client’s, EA’s on-premise, or a cloud hosting environment. Additionally, EA provides on-call help desk support and onsite, classroom style training for system users and administrators.
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