EA ensures infrastructure/development projects stay on schedule, on budget, and on scope by providing expertise and solutions throughout the project life cycle.
Contact Jeffrey Boltz, PhD, Senior Vice President, Business Unit Director.
EA provides comprehensive services nationwide for the identification, documentation, planning, and treatment of cultural resources in entire communities and military installations or single structures. EA completes surveys, resource assessments, resource management plans, stakeholder consultation, agreement documents, and mitigation measures in compliance with state and federal historic preservation regulations.
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EA is an industry leader in conducting marine environmental sampling, as well as oceanographic measurement and monitoring services to federal and state agencies, port authorities, and commercial clients throughout the United States.
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Our diverse team of natural resource specialists includes wildlife biologists and botanists with expertise in federally and state listed endangered plants and the habitats in which they occur. EA’s construction monitoring teams include stormwater and erosion control specialists and inspectors, wetland scientists, ornithologists, aquatic biologists, ecologists, mammologists, natural resource scientists, range scientists, fisheries biologists, and environmental scientists.
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EA is recognized for our expertise in the management of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) quality assurance environmental review. We have successfully prepared hundreds of NEPA and SEPA environmental impact statements for public and private sector clients. In addition, we have assisted clients in obtaining Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance and Determination of Non-Significance decisions through the preparation of Environmental Checklists, and mitigation documents.
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Taking a risk-based integrated approach to environmental compliance, EA excels at combining scientific expertise with strong communication skills to facilitate sound decision-making. We are highly experienced at achieving compliance with complex regulatory requirements, negotiating and obtaining environmental permits, and developing systematic processes for quantitatively and qualitatively assessing the potential impacts of proposed projects.
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EA works with our clients’ project development teams to develop projects that meet their needs and provide an appropriate level of environmental protection or enhancement. Through this early involvement in the planning process, we can make sure that all information relevant to environmentally sensitive areas, permitting requirements, community planning goals, stakeholder acceptance, and cumulative effects of the project are considered.
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EA provides comprehensive occupational health and safety consulting and program support services to a broad spectrum of clients nationwide. From corporate-level program development and implementation to activity-level services in support of capital projects or maintenance, EA’s team provides each client with the means to efficiently and cost-effectively achieve its goals through anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of health and safety risks.
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Utilizing a client-focused approach through a combination of agile and DevOps-based methodologies, EA has successfully developed over 100 custom applications for dozens of federal, state, local, and private sector clients. Our custom systems have targeted multiple platforms such as web, tablet, and mobile using a combination of technologies including Net, JQuery, SQL Server, Oracle, and ArcGIS.
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