Additional Insights
Cover Crop Effects on Groundwater Recharge
In collaboration with the Central Platte and Lower Loup Natural Resource Districts (NRDs) in Nebraska,…
Managing Climate Change Risk
The challenges posed by climate change have become an imperative for public and private-sector organizations…
Digital Transformation of the Environmental Industry
The accelerated advancement of technologies supporting the collection, management, and analysis of environmental industry data…
Climate Adaptation Guide for DoD Cultural Resources
Reprinted with minimal edits with permission from the DoD Cultural Resources Update Summer 2023 Climate…
Optimizing EMIS Platforms for EHSS/ESG Programs
The continual evolution of the regulatory landscape and the increase in regulatory obligations have had…
Thermal Drone Mapping for Rapid Assessment of Streams and Wetlands
Recent advances in drone technology have revolutionized how we view the world and collect data.…
Perspectives on the State of PFAS Science
The advancement of PFAS science has accelerated over the last 7–8 years compared to characterization…
Nature-Based Solutions: Using Sediment Placement to Improve Resilience
Nature-based solutions can be a viable and often preferred alternative over static engineered installations when…
How Evolving PFAS Regulations Will Affect Industrial and Municipal Wastewater
The changing regulatory environment and state of the science focused on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances…
Key Considerations in Managing Environmental Dredging Debris
Environmental dredging, the process where contaminated sediment under water is removed, treated, and/or placed in…