EA’s scientists, geologists, engineers, and technical experts work collaboratively to assess sediment management challenges, apply today’s most advanced technologies, and provide cost-effective and sustainable project designs and solutions. Our goal is to develop dredged material management solutions and contaminated sediment remedies that are technically sound and defensible, achieve client objectives, satisfy regulatory goals, and benefit local business and residential communities and the environment.
Contact Peggy Derrick, Vice President and Director, Sediment Management.
EA is a recognized leader in providing dredged material management services to federal, state, and private port authorities, and local/regional entities throughout the United States. EA provides highly qualified and experienced staff in dredged material management for maintenance and new work projects related to federal navigation channels, port and harbor development, and transportation infrastructure (e.g., bridges and tunnels). We provide high quality, defensible scientific data and environmental documentation to support project-specific and long-range planning initiatives.
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Over the past 20 years, EA has completed more than $200 million in contaminated sediment investigation, design, and construction oversight under CERCLA, RCRA, and the Great Lakes Legacy Act. Our scientists and engineers have provided remedies for more than 1 million cubic yards of contaminated sediment for multiple EPA regions, state environmental agencies, and private entities. Our project teams have demonstrated experience addressing the unique challenges associated with characterization and remediation of contaminated sediment sites in lakes, streams, rivers, estuaries, and wetland environments.
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