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Atlantic Wood Industries Remediation Project

EA performed remedial action services including pre-design investigation, remedial design, and construction oversight and management for the Atlantic Wood Industries Superfund site.  EA designed a remedy combining dredging, onsite placement, and capping as a means of addressing over 400,000 cubic yards of sediment as part of the $90 million remediation effort at Atlantic Wood Industries, one of the largest PAH cleanups in the United States.  Major in-water features include installation of an offshore sheet pile containment wall, dredging of contaminated river sediments, consolidation of contaminated sediments behind the wall, and enhanced monitored natural recovery.  Pre-design activities included sediment coring to delineate subsurface contamination, bathymetric survey, groundwater studies, and treatability studies.  EA completed design of the wall, dredge prisms, dredged material amendment and placement, dredging verification sampling, enhanced monitored natural recovery monitoring requirements, wetland restoration, utility relocation, and capping of placed material.  Design also included specifications for dredging near and under existing structures piers, bulkheads, and a bridge.  EA has provided full-time onsite construction management and inspection services for upland remediation and serves as engineering oversight for in-water remediation being led by USACE; services include inspections, submittal reviews, and response to information requests.  Throughout the project, EA’s collaborative approach has been essential for addressing stakeholder concerns, including state water quality management requirements, access for the industrial property, and coordination with the Navy. 


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EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc., PBC headquarters