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About EA

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EA transforms contaminated sites into opportunities to help our clients maximize the value of their assets through creative and cost-effective solutions.


Contact Michael Hertz, PG, National Service Line Program Manager.

Contaminated Site Assessment and Remediation

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines vulnerability in the context of climate assessments as, โ€œThe degree to which a system is susceptible to, or unable to cope with, adverse effects of climate change, including climate variability and extremes; it is a function of the character, magnitude, and rate of climate variation to which a system is exposed, its sensitivity, and its adaptive capacityโ€ (EPA 2021).

EA understands firsthand how to develop and then reassess conceptual site models based on changes to sources, pathways, and/or receptors from climate conditions. Our interdisciplinary professionals provide the right blend of skills to protect human health and the environment now and in the climatically uncertain future.

Site-specific vulnerability analyses are developed for contamination and remediation sites based on projected climate impacts both from project groundwater level changes and other forecasted climate changes, such as increased precipitation and storm intensity, sea level rise, and drought. EA has integrated sustainable, resilient, and innovative green remediation technologies into project delivery through formal systems and processes and specialized staff awareness and training.

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EA safely completes decommissioning, decontamination, and demolition projects ranging from small soil and groundwater remediation systems to large bulk fuel storage facilities and industrial properties.

EA works with stakeholders to identify processes and procedures and local, state, and federal regulations to transition costly environmental liabilities to profitable assets.  We work safely in challenging environments under aggressive schedules to effectively recover the value of assets through recycling, repurposing, or reuse while protecting human health and the environment and complying with applicable environmental requirements.  We understand the importance of removing or neutralizing residual hazards from systems, surfaces, and structures before demolition begins to lower demolition and waste disposal costs.  We place a high emphasis on cost/schedule controls and safe delivery of projects allowing our clients to maximize the value from their investments.

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Mergers and acquisitions frequently involve unexpected environmental liabilities that can be costly. Unplanned cleanup costs or unidentified regulatory requirements can greatly reduce the value of business transactions.

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For over 10 years, EA has been at the forefront of assisting DoD and industry with the challenges associated with emerging contaminants.  EAโ€™s state-of-the-art, 8,000-square foot Ecotoxicology Laboratory has conducted more than 32,000 toxicity tests for industry to define emerging contaminants physical and chemical properties and identify appropriate analytical procedures and detection limits for these constituents.

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Of the more than 125,000 sites that require remediation nationwide, approximately 10% have an estimated โ€œindefinite remediation timeframe,โ€ meaning there is no certainty that remedial goals will be attained within the next 50โ€“100 years.

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Risk assessments are a critical tool for helping to facilitate site closure.  EA has over 40 years of experience performing human health and ecological risk assessments and toxicity studies.  We build working relationships with state and federal risk assessors and our clients to assure that any risk-based decisions are founded on sound risk assessment processes that result in minimizing costs and efforts related to site closure.

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EA offers the full spectrum of Site Characterization and Remediation services, ranging from Phase I property assessments, site investigations, risk assessment, multi-media fate and transport modeling, and design-construct-operate of site remediation systems and site closure at hazardous wastes; petroleum, oil, and lubricants; mixed waste; radioactive constituents; hazardous building materials; unexploded ordnance; and munitions constituents sites.

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Our clients have repeatedly reinforced their desire to reduce or eliminate environmental liabilities.  EA has developed a Tiered Remediation Effectiveness and Efficiency Process (TREE) to address the optimization needs for less complex sites and highly complex, mature or recalcitrant sites during all stages of the environmental life cycle continuum.

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Vapor intrusion is a potential concern wherever buildings or other enclosed structures are located near an underground source of, or transmissive pathway to, vapor-forming contamination where people may come into contact with hazardous chemical vapors.

Depending upon building and site-specific conditions, vapor intrusion may threaten human health or safety. Based on the most up-to-date scientific developments and federal and state regulatory technical guidance, our trained staff employs state-of-the-industry methodologies to develop multiple lines of evidence to evaluate indoor air contamination arising from site vapor intrusion sources as well as sources other than vapor intrusion.

We communicate to stakeholders the potential health risk and provide mitigation solutions, if warranted. We design, install, and operate vapor intrusion mitigation systems ranging from simple sub-slab depressurization systems to enhanced soil vapor extraction technology for managing vapor intrusion at complex sites.

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EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc., PBC headquarters