EA provides high quality toxicity testing, careful interpretation of data, and appropriate application of results to project-specific objectives.
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Michael Chanov, Vice President, Director.
EA is a recognized national leader in providing dredged material toxicity testing services to federal, state, and commercial clients, as well as local/regional port authorities throughout the United States. For decades, we have provided scientific data and environmental documentation to support project-specific and long-range planning initiatives.
EA assists clients with the development of toxicological information for product formulations through the performance of standardized toxicity testing. These tests enable clients to evaluate the toxicity of various product formulations and also generate the required data for Safety Data Sheet development and hazard classification (i.e., Globally Harmonized System [GHS] of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals).
EA specializes in the performance of comprehensive sediment and soil studies. The toxicity of contaminated soils and sediments is a major focus in ecological risk assessment. Sediment and soil toxicity tests can be used to set quality guidelines and for assisting with remediation efforts.
EA has performed over 150 municipal and industrial toxicity reduction evaluations (TREs) over the last 27 years, and has successfully completed numerous TRE-related programs of national prominence.
EA assists clients with the development of site-specific water quality criteria for individual metals through the performance of water effect ratio (WER) testing. This type of study enables clients to modify National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) discharge permit single metal permit limits.
EAโs nationally certified Ecotoxicology Laboratory (NELAC No. E87550) is a recognized leader in the performance of whole effluent toxicity (WET) testing for compliance with National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) discharge permits.
EAโs toxicological staff are experienced with the breadth of toxicology tests (e.g., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, ASTM International, and Standard Methods) required for industrial and municipal wastewaters, dredged materials, sediments, soils, new chemical products, and solid waste leachates.