Addressing and adapting to climate change and its effects is a global priority with challenges for both the public and private sectors. Many of our nation’s population centers and their supporting infrastructure are at increased risk from prolonged drought, sea level rise, and catastrophic flooding.
Contact Sam Whitin, CERP, Vice President, Director of Coastal Resilience.
The dynamic nature of the coastal environment provides a wide variety of challenges for projects involving the impacts of climate changes and sea level rise as well as naturally occurring littoral processes to both the natural and built environment. EA provides the interdisciplinary engineering, scientific, and project delivery solutions to address resilience, vulnerability, and other unique challenges presented by coastal and riverine environments.
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Through the integration of engineering, science, and technology, we offer our clients sound solutions to ecosystem restoration—from ecosystem evaluation and site selection through field investigations, project design, permitting, and monitoring. Our clients rely on us to restore estuaries and salt marshes, create wetlands, remove dams, beneficially re-use dredged material, restore contaminated sites, and enhance fish passages…and we often succeed with award-winning results.
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The EA team has the in-house staff to effectively plan for fish passage from an ecological as well as an engineering standpoint. This includes providing effective evaluation of the impacts of dam removal on riverine flow dynamics as well as fish passage and aquatic resource impacts. A variety of state, federal, and non-government organizations are pursuing a means to protect and restore rivers to the benefit of restoring a more natural flow regime, and restoration of foraging and spawning habitat of resident and migratory fish species as well as other aquatic living resources. EA has provided ecological and engineering fish passage and dam removal consulting services for a number of dam projects located throughout the United States. Our staff is widely respected for its conceptual and final design work for fish passage facilities and ecological assessments relating to fish passage and dam removal. The team’s integration of fisheries biologists, regulatory specialists, and engineers provides superior capability for solving problems involving the restoration and enhancement of fisheries resources. EA has provided conceptual and final design for fish passage facilities including dam removals, fish lifts, fish ladders, eel ladders, nature based fishways, and downstream passage systems.
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EA is an industry leader in conducting marine environmental sampling, as well as oceanographic measurement and monitoring services to federal and state agencies, port authorities, and commercial clients throughout the United States.
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From planning to design, modeling of coastal, riverine, and estuarine systems is a critical element to the execution of projects situated in these environments. EA uses a variety of hydrodynamic models to present an efficient, comprehensive approach to representing and predicting coastal water dynamics. These numerical computational models can be used to simulate currents, water levels, sediment transport, pollutant loading, and salinity. EA also utilizes various GIS techniques for modeling scenarios related to the simulation of predicted inundation levels resultant from storm surge and sea level rise.
EA’s modeling services include:
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EA works with our clients’ project development teams to develop projects that meet their needs and provide an appropriate level of environmental protection or enhancement. Through this early involvement in the planning process, we can make sure that all information relevant to environmentally sensitive areas, permitting requirements, community planning goals, stakeholder acceptance, and cumulative effects of the project are considered.
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