Many operational and design decisions facing our clients will be significantly affected by statistically documented changes in a variety of weather and climate variables such as sea surface height and temperature, maximum single- and 5-day rainfall, extent and intensity of heat waves, number of frost-free days, sea ice extent, and many more. Emerging government and corporate policies regarding greenhouse gas emissions intended to limit future negative changes in the climate may also have significant business implications. EA’s holistic approach to problem-solving for clients, combined with the firm’s interdisciplinary nature and range of expertise, support a harmonized framework for applying mitigation and adaptation solutions across federal, state, municipal, and private markets.
Contact Christopher Anderson, PhD, National Service Line Program Manager, and John Kumm, PE, BCEE, CC-P, CEM, LEED AP, Senior Engineer/Senior Project Manager and Technical Chief – Environmental, Health, Safety, and Sustainability (EHSS) Compliance.
EA provides our clients with a variety of services to help them understand the potential vulnerability of infrastructure that they build or manage to both observed and projected changes in weather and climate extremes, such as increased probability of inland flooding or sea level rise. By coupling vulnerability assessments with estimates of the cost to restore lost function should they be impacted, EA can provide insight into the financial risk posed by climate change, and the risks associated with inaction.
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Climate adaptation planning is an iterative process by design because of continual climate changes and associated resource impacts. EA supports clients by providing planning tools and services as well as specific project designs geared towards reducing, compensating for, or adapting to the adverse impacts that arise from changes in the Earth’s climate. Adaptation strategies increase the resiliency of the built and natural environment and will continue to be necessary regardless of steps taken to limit and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Through creative planning and design, grounded in data and science, EA provides solutions to help clients adapt to a changing world.
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EA moves beyond assessing risk and supporting plans or designs that reduce that risk to execution of construction or environmental restoration. By understanding what it takes to help clients meet a desired end point, such as climate resilient infrastructure, EA’s experience helps inform early-stage assessment and response design.
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EA provides clients with the tools and experience necessary to identify, quantify, measure, assess, and report greenhouse gas emissions, which have become a staple of voluntary Environmental, Social, and Governance reporting. Employing a holistic approach, our team develops and supports mitigation strategies including comprehensive climate action plans that address operations, administration, supply chain, production, and distribution.
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The shift to clean energy is steadily expanding across the United States. Many states have set, or are in the process of setting, mandates for the percentage of power that must be purchased from renewable sources in the years ahead. EA offers a variety of consulting services aimed at the development of green power technologies, including solar, wind, water, battery storage, bioenergy, nuclear, and hydrogen. Services include site assessment and characterization, planning, viewshed and glare analyses, engineering, permitting, compliance, public involvement, and construction oversight.
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Energy efficiency in the residential, commercial, industrial, and transportation sectors has become a critical aspect of reducing carbon emissions and their associated climate effects. For decades, EA has been working with clients to conserve energy and reduce air emissions. We have conducted numerous energy audits, prepared energy management plans, and supported dozens of combined heat and power projects, which EPA estimates improve energy usage efficiency by approximately 50 percent over conventional heat and power.
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