EA prepared two nation-wide historic contexts for how special operations training and logistics training during the Vietnam War influenced construction on state-side military installations. The report provides case studies from specific installations, types of resources, and recommendations on how to use the study. The process included a literature review, investigation of primary and secondary sources for context, site visits to select installations, and report development.  EA researchers accessed primary and secondary sources at the National Archives and Records Administration, military libraries and museums, university libraries, and other sources.  Department of Defense installation staff provided additional information and documentation.  The reports provide cultural resource managers and professionals with a standardized approach to identify property types, determine historical significance of associated properties, and assess integrity, thereby greatly increasing efficiency and cost savings in compliance and management. The report provides context and typology for Vietnam War (1962–1975) special operations schools and related resources on Department of Defense installations in the United States, and includes specific examples of installations that housed special operations and logistics activities.