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Baltimore County Department of Environmental Protection and Sustainability: McDonogh Road Water Quality Retrofit; Randallstown, Maryland

EA prepared a final design for over 1,700 linear feet of stream restoration and over 2.5 acres of wetland Baltimore County Department of Environmental Protection and Sustainability: McDonogh Road Water Quality Retrofit; Randallstown, Marylandcreation and enhancement in Baltimore County Maryland.  Following approval of the final design, EA provided post-design services including construction oversight and post-construction monitoring.  EA participated in the pre-bid and pre-construction meetings, construction consultation services with direct coordination between EA’s designer and the County inspectors and selected contractor, and has reviewed the contractor’s as-built surveys.  Specialized construction oversight to ensure the design vision was implemented to the greatest extent possible.  During construction, near daily inspections, direct interaction with operators and foremen, and supervision of the placement of restoration structures, planting, and wetland restoration were conducted.

EA has also been contracted by the Department of Environmental Protection and Sustainability to conduct post-construction monitoring for the McDonogh Road project.  This includes developing monitoring protocols that fit with existing Department of Environmental Protection and Sustainability methodologies, but also meet the criteria established for mitigation by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Maryland Department of the Environment.  EA is currently monitoring the entire site for geomorphic stability and wetland establishment for a 5-year period.


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EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc., PBC headquarters