Initially designed and developed by EA in 2006, American Chemistry Council’s (ACC’s) ResponsibleCare® Metrics Portal and associated Public Reports were redesigned and developed in 2016 with the latest web-based technologies to decrease maintenance costs and depreciation of service to Portal users as well as to satisfy ACC’s updated branding and style guide. Among the many enhancements included in the redesign, EA incorporated a Dashboard that included interactive charts/graphs depicting completion status for data entry and data approval as well as a new Reporting Tool to allow users to generate additional report types with benchmarking charts.
The secure Web Portal supports ACC’s ResponsibleCare® Program by serving as the central management and tracking tool for member and partner companies to report their annual environmental, safety, and product stewardship performance metrics. The system captures detailed, company reported information for the more than 20 individual metrics, tracking the completion and associated approvals for all information. Additionally, the Web Portal includes robust reporting capabilities allowing ACC, member, and partner company users to generate summary and benchmarking reports across each metric.