Our staff has nationwide experience working within a variety of ecosystems and are familiar with numerous species’ habitat components, life histories, and agency-approved survey methods. EA staff assess project-related impacts and consult with regulatory agencies to avoid, minimize, and/or mitigate habitat impact.
EA’s protected species survey services include:
- Compilation and Analysis of Baseline Biological Inventories for Special-Status Species
- Development of Habitat Conservation Plans
- Formal and Informal Consultation with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Marine Fisheries Service, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and State and Local Agencies
- Implementation of Agency-Recommended Protocols for Presence/Absence Determination of Special-Status Plants and Animals
- Preparation of Biological Assessment and Evaluation, Environmental Impact Statement, Categorical Exclusion, and Finding of No Significant Impact documents
- Section 7 and Section 10 Permitting
- State Incidental Take Permitting
- Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys Conducted by Permitted Biologists