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About EA

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EA Anchorage, AK

Office Building that Houses EA's Anchorage Office

Welcome to EA Anchorage!

EA’s Anchorage and Fairbanks Operations have continuously supported public and private clients throughout the state since 1992. Together, these offices provide a full range of environmental consulting services, with reach-back capacity support from our network of offices in the U.S. West Coast, Pacific Islands, and eastward.

Our experience provides us with extensive knowledge of the logistical, cultural, and regulatory considerations required to succeed in the state. By involving local community interests and understanding local concerns and initiatives, EA delivers solutions that achieve measurable results for our clients. We have long-established relationships and proven success working with government agencies, private organizations, and many major Alaskan contractors.

Interdisciplinary environmental services include environmental investigation and remediation, coastal resilience/sea level rise, natural resources, compliance monitoring, climate change, community involvement, research and development, and grants and funding.

EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc., PBC

101 West Benson Boulevard
Suite 502
Anchorage, AK 99503

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Travis Hines

Alaska Operations Manager


Headshot of Travis Hines

Contact Us

EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc., PBC headquarters