Whether on the Great Lakes or an industrial pond, the great rivers or an urban canal system, EA experts bring our legacy of sound science, penchant for creative solutions, and commitment to those we serve in developing cost-effective solutions that provide sustainable results. EA offers an extensive range of aquatic services that include large-scale ecosystem analysis for environmental planning to more focused, point-source evaluations. The ecological expertise of EA scientists, combined with our extensive practical regulatory knowledge, provides a strategic advantage to our stakeholders via time/cost-saving foresight. Furthermore, our aquatic services are often integrated with other areas of expertise within EA to provide comprehensive services, turnkey approaches, and integrated solutions.
The aquatic services EA provides include:
- Aquatic Flora and Fauna Surveys
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Relicensing and Compliance
- Fish Passage Evaluations
- Flow, Current, and Bathymetry Surveys
- Habitat Evaluations
- Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling
- Permitting Assistance (Federal, State, and Local)
- Stormwater Quality and Quantity Assessment
- Toxicological and Biological Laboratory Analyses
As a national expert in the environmental monitoring and bioassessment of the aquatic community, EA also provides the full spectrum of Clean Water Act §316(a) and §316(b) services, including study plan development, agency negotiations, entrainment and impingement studies, benefit valuation, hydrographic surveys and modeling, Source Water Biological Baseline Characterization studies for all biotic categories, water quality monitoring and trend analysis, alternative technology performance studies, and alternate thermal standards development, demonstration studies, and expert witness testimony.