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USACE–Omaha; Multiple Air Force Installations; Off-Base Drinking Water Site Inspections

Off-Site Drinking Water Treatment system which includes two large tanks and one filter.

Example residential point-of-entry treatment
system installation: sediment pre-filter (blue),
ion exchange treatment with granular
activated carbon at the bottom (black),
and granular activated carbon polishing (green).

EA is performing time-sensitive response actions under CERCLA for residences and other private properties impacted by installation releases of AFFF to off-base groundwater at concentrations above the EPA lifetime health advisory level for combined perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS)/perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in drinking water for multiple installations across the United States.

EA developed a geographic information system-based sample tracking system that utilizes available information on the locations of on-base AFFF release areas and hydrogeologic flow regimes.  Using this tool, EA worked closely with the Air Force Civil Engineer Center PFAS team to select focus areas for off-base surveys and sampling.  EA has completed water well inventories for each of installations, performed house-to-house surveys, and sampled hundreds of private wells to identify properties where drinking water has been impacted by PFAS above the EPA lifetime health advisory.  Drinking water samples were analyzed at DoD Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program-certified laboratory using DoD Quality Systems Manual Table B-15 for 24 PFAS compounds and validated by a third-party data validator.  Results are compared to the EPA lifetime health advisory for PFOS and PFOA, and to the federal risk-based screening level for perfluorobutanesulfonic acid to evaluate whether a response action is needed, whether the well should be monitored quarterly, or whether no further action is needed.

If a response action is needed, bottled water deliveries are made to the impacted residence within 48 hours of receiving the notice to proceed from the Air Force Civil Engineer Center PFAS team.  EA then either performs a hot tap hookup, installs a point-of-entry treatment system, or installs a point-of-use treatment system to mitigate the PFAS impacts.


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EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc., PBC headquarters