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Source Reduction Plan; Merck Healthcare

For this global healthcare leader, EA developed source reduction strategy for trichloroethane (TCA) as an interim step to TCA replacement in pharmaceutical manufacturing operations.  TCA was actively used in four production processes: packaging operations, tablet compressing, bottle plant operations, and graphic services.  Methods for reducing the amounts of existing TCA were identified through second tier reuse and more extensive actions such as solvent recovery.  Pollution control equipment required for solvent recovery was sized and operating and capital costs were determined; safety and health issues were identified and evaluated; and waste streams were identified, characterized, quantified, and coded with respect to disposal.  Other opportunities for minimizing TCA use were also explored, including alternative cleaning procedures and alternative bottle de-labeling procedures.  Solvent minimization opportunities were ranked, and advantages and disadvantages of each were noted through a cost-benefit analysis.  



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