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Offutt Field Remedial Investigation, Omaha, Nebraska

Munitions debris scattered in the grass

Under the Small Business Military Munitions Response Program Multiple Award Task Order Contract with USACE–Omaha District, EA completed a remedial investigation of multiple munition response sites under the Military Munitions Response Program at Offutt Air Force Base located near Omaha, Nebraska.  This project was completed following the CERCLA process for remedial investigations/feasibility studies.  The munitions response sites ranged in size from 1.8 to 6.7 acres and included Explosive Ordnance Disposal Range (SR289), Possible Chemical Weapons/Poison Gas Burial Site (CW292), and Possible Chemical Agent Burial Site (CW291).  Project planning and field activities included preparation of an Explosives Site Plan and detailed Site-Specific Work Plan, reacquiring and intrusively investigating 600 anomalies, and collecting soil and groundwater munitions constituents samples within the munitions response sites 

The remedial investigation included site investigation history, intrusive investigation, MEC Hazard Assessment, munitions constituents risk assessments, nature and extent/fate and transport of MEC/munitions constituents, adjustments of munitions response site boundaries, remediation of impacted material, and follow-up activities.  The remedial investigation resulted in No Further Actions required.



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