The former Iona Island Naval Ammunition Depot FUDS consists of 125 acres that was used by the U.S. Naval Department from 1900 to 1947. Â An explosion in 1903 is thought to have thrown stored ammunition shells and munitions debris 1,250 feet from the blast center. Â Previous investigations indicated that potential MEC at Iona Island included 1- and 6-pounders, and 6- and 13-inch ammunition throughout land, water and wetland areas (MRS-01). Â Additional information indicates the potential for discarded military munitions around three former loading docks, and between Iona and Round islands where potential MEC items have been reportedly sighted during low tide.
The FUDS property is part of the much larger Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve, a Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitat Area and National Natural Landmark. There are no current plans to develop the island for recreational purposes and no anticipated future use of the site other than its current use as a conservation area.
USACE–Baltimore District contracted EA to complete a Military Munitions Response Program Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study through a Decision Document at Iona Island FUDS using a phased approach beginning in 2019 to include:
- Phase I—DGM (terrestrial) over accessible portions of MRS-1, Hudson River shoreline
- Phase II—Cued advanced geophysical classification survey of selected target anomalies
- Phase III—Intrusive investigation of targets of interest (terrestrial), portions of MRS-1 not suitable for DGM/advanced geophysical classification (terrestrial), and former loading docks via diving (water).
A remedial investigation report will be prepared to determine appropriate MRS boundaries and identify potential no further action MRS footprints (if any), update the Munitions Response Site Prioritization Protocol (including public notice of publication), and evaluate MEC hazards and MC risks. Â If the unacceptable risks are identified during the remedial investigation, then a feasibility study will be prepared to evaluate remedial alternatives.