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Area 101 Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study, Yigo, Guam

Client: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers–Huntsville Center

Location: Yigo, Guam

A field of grassesin Guam

Under contract to the USACE–Huntsville Center, EA is completing a Military Munitions Response Program Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study through Decision Document at this former 843-acre FUDS known as Area 101.

Area 101 consists of a former demolition area utilized by the U.S. military to dispose of munitions following World War II.  The goal of the project is to define the nature and extent of potential MEC and MC at the site to identify associated risks to current landowners and ecological receptors.  Project stakeholders include the Government of Guam and private residents, the USACE Huntsville Center and Honolulu District, and Guam EPA.

Project planning consists of systematic project planning meetings in Guam, public meetings to solicit rights-of-entry and a Munitions Response-QAPP including Advanced Geophysical Classification and MC sampling.  Fieldwork will consist of a series of transect- and grid-based data collection efforts in residential areas, steep terrain and dense vegetation.  Data collected will include ecological, cultural, digital geophysics, analog geophysics, advanced classification geophysics, and MC media sampling in shallow soil at the site.  Other aspects of the work include soliciting rights-of-entry for over 600 land parcels from the Government of Guam and private landowners, public meetings and establishing a data repository to house project documents.  EA anticipates fieldwork to be completed in 2021, and the project performance period occurring through July 2023.


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