Since 2008, EA has developed, integrated, implemented, and continually improved sustainable business practices and external reporting. Highlights of our award-winning sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs include:
- Recognition of EA’s CSR Program with a “Gold” rating from EcoVadis. A result of EA’s “structured and proactive CSR approach, engagement/policies and tangible actions on major issues with detailed implementation information, and significant CSR reporting on actions and performance indicators,” according to EcoVadis. The firm’s CSR Program was assessed across 39 criteria organized into 4 categories that address environmental, labor, fair business/ethics, and supplier practices. EA’s 2018 score places the company in the Top 1% of companies assessed by EcoVadis across all categories.
- Implementation of a performance measurement and reporting program based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards, which includes tracking and reporting across performance indicators addressing environmental, economic, social, and governance disclosures and aligns with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
- Annual Corporate Sustainability Reports/Public Benefit Corporation (PBC) Statements prepared and published in accordance with GRI Standards: Core Option.
- Comprehensive, transparent carbon footprint analysis of our day-to-day operations
following Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol Initiative Corporate Standards, developed and published by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.
- Implementation of an internal EA Sustainers Working Group provides points-of-contact in each operation or corporate department responsible for raising internal awareness and providing local knowledge sharing on sustainable practices throughout the company.
- Integration of Sustainable Business Practices into core service lines through cross-disciplinary working groups targeting green remediation, climate adaptation, environmentally preferred purchasing, and sustainable infrastructure.
As a client services organization, our primary focus is to educate and apply sustainability not only in our own firm, but also to advise and assist our clients in doing so. Only then can we truly have the broader impact on our community that we seek.
We have ready access to clean water and enjoy careers that promote the protection of clean water supplies because we reside in a country possessing the political will and educational, regulatory, and business management systems needed to preserve and protect this essential resource. Not every country is as fortunate.
In December 2015, EA announced our formal partnership with Water For People (, a leading international non-profit with the audacious goal of providing clean water and sanitation water for “Everyone | Forever” by 2030. EA’s commitment includes offering a workplace giving program with company match for employee contributions, adding Water For People as an optional selection for payroll deductions, and maintaining a network of champions to promote the program to local communities through our nationwide network of offices. Since we established this partnership employees have raised nearly $300,000 through workplace giving contributions and fundraising.
Combined with Water For People’s worldwide reach, our employees’ collective commitment to community service is impacting thousands of people each year as we all strive To Improve the Quality of the Environment in Which We Live, One Project at a Time®.