EA’s ecologists understand that many human perturbations are unavoidable. As such, our management plans also include measures to “sustain the mission” or allow the proposed land use activity to occur with little to no effect upon local plant and animal populations.
EA recognizes that developing management plans is not enough. The plan must be implemented, the results observed and documented, and if required, adaptive management actions undertaken. Our experience does not stop at plan development; EA ecologists are experienced with construction monitoring, post-construction monitoring, and employing adaptive management principles. Our experience includes performing threatened and endangered species surveys, vegetation mapping, and wetland and waters of the United States surveys for projects throughout the United States. Data are assimilated to identify natural resources constraints and used to recommend changes in the proposed activity, thereby reducing impacts to natural resources. Given that many of our projects are adjacent to important public and state lands, construction monitoring programs are recommended to ensure impacts to these ecologically important lands are minimized or eliminated. By bringing our extensive natural resources expertise to bear, EA is integral in assisting our clients complete their projects while ensuring that the local and regional ecosystem is properly managed.