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Planning for Coastal Resilience in the Northern Chesapeake Bay; Harford, Cecil and Kent Counties, Maryland

Aerial map of the northern Chesapeake Bay showing potential areas in need coastal resilience due to sea level rise.In 2019, EA published a report titled Planning for Coastal Resilience in the Northern Chesapeake Bay that serves as the foundation for a regional strategy to address sea level rise and shoreline stabilization surrounding Maryland’s Susquehanna Flats and Upper Chesapeake Bay. The study’s purpose is to assist Aberdeen Proving Ground and the surrounding communities in building a greater margin of safety against sea level rise by identifying associated risks and providing guidance for incorporation of resilience measures into future infrastructure planning. The report’s fundamental intent is a “science to solutions” process to develop a long-range plan for sea level rise based on scientific and policy-based research. The study identifies areas to focus management efforts; provides data needed to develop adaptation plans; and outlines steps necessary to implement those adaptation plans and decrease sea level rise risks. Nature-based, structural and non-structural resilience measures are described with specific focus on their function as well as performance factors. In addition, the report provides an overview of current sedimentation and accretion patterns and rates and clearly lays out the added benefit that strategies used for coastal resilience may play a role in decreasing sediment and nutrient loading to the Chesapeake Bay.


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