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New York State Department of Environmental Conservation: Dzus Fastner, Inc Remedial Design, West Islip New York

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation: Dzus Fastner, Inc Remedial Design, West Islip New YorkEA provided environmental permitting support to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation in support of the remedial design for two operable units, which included impacts to wetlands/waterways as well as riparian buffers.  Wetlands delineation was included in the remedial investigation/feasibility for known environmental impacts associated with former site operations and disposal activities, including an assessment of sediment and soil impacts and delineation based on field investigation.  EA prepared a Joint Permit Application for submittal to New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for impacts to wetlands and streams associated with the remedial design and prepared a Phase II Wetland and Stream Mitigation Plan in accordance with the 2008 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Final Mitigation Rule.  Additional agency coordination was performed including coordination with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to avoid impacts to federally listed species, including the Northern Long Eared Bat.


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EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc., PBC headquarters