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About EA

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Dredged Material Management

We have demonstrated expertise in the evaluation of the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of sediment for assessment of placement options. Our expertise extends well beyond sampling and analysis to include interpretation, evaluation, and management recommendations for placement options, beneficial use, and innovative reuse.  For decades, EA has provided scientific data and environmental documentation to support dredged material management and planning initiatives for maritime clients and in-water projects.

Our dredged material management services include:

  • Development and Implementation of Sampling and Analysis Plans and Quality Assurance Project Plans
  • Dredged Material Management Plans (identification, screening, and ranking of placement options)
  • In-House, National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program-Certified, Ecotoxicological Testing Laboratory Services to Support Ocean Placement Evaluations and Ecological Risk Assessment for In-Water and Upland Placement of Sediments
  • In-House Research Vessels (up to 26 feet) in Length and Marine Sampling Equipment
  • Maritime Coordination (with community and waterway users and maritime stakeholders) for In-Water Activities
  • Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act Section 103 Evaluations (water column bioassays, whole sediment bioassays, and bioaccumulation studies) for Ocean Placement
  • NEPA Support, including Public Involvement and Outreach; Plan Formulation, Feasibility Studies, and Alternatives Analysis; Aquatic Resource Studies; Mitigation Planning; Essential Fish Habitat Assessments; Section 7 Endangered Species Act consultation; Section 106 National Historic Preservation Act Underwater Archaeological Surveys; and Aquatic Impact Assessment
  • Regulatory Coordination and Negotiation, including Sampling/Testing Requirements, Time-of-Year Restrictions, In-Water Monitoring Requirements during Project Construction, and Mitigation Packages
  • Section 404 of Clean Water Act, Section 10 of Rivers and Harbors Act, and Section 103 of Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act permitting
  • Section 408 Authorizations/Permissions (under Section 14 of the Rivers and Harbors Act)
  • Sediment Characterization for Open Water Placement, Ocean Placement, Upland Placement, Beneficial Use, and Innovative Re-Use

Contact Us

EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc., PBC headquarters