Our team has been solving these challenges for our partners for over 30 years by fielding a team that maintains expertise in a wide variety of subject matter. This team applies cutting edge approaches for the long-term protection of natural features, facilities, and infrastructure in watersheds and coastal settings. The EA team focuses on simplifying the approach to restoring coastal features centering on those solutions that are the most sustainable in the long term, thereby reducing life cycle protection costs to the end user. With a unique understanding of resources from sediment to water to riparian areas, EA incorporates this knowledge to quickly and effectively assess baseline features and utilize proven predictive models to ensure that coastal restoration is applied in the time step appropriate for each partner and unique situation. Impacts resulting from storm activities as well as more chronic situations are addressed with the understanding that sea level rise (and water level changes in the Great Lakes system) is ongoing and will have continued impacts into the future.
EA’s coastal restoration services include:
- Bathymetric and Topographic Surveys
- Coastal Engineering Analysis and Design of Natural and Built Infrastructure
- Coastal Resilience Planning
- Coastal Risk and Sea Level Rise Assessment
- Comprehensive Analysis of Coastal and Nuisance Flooding including Nearshore and Overland Flow Impacts
- Cultural Resource Assessments
- Dredged Material Management Planning and Design including Beneficial Reuse Strategies
- Evaluation of Wave and Wind Forces
- Habitat Assessments, Wetland Delineations, and Permitting Support
- Natural Resource Assessment in the Coastal Environment
- Planning and Design for Salt Marsh Resilience including Thin Layer Placement Assessment and Living Shorelines
- Sediment Management Planning and Design
- Sediment Transport Modeling and Accretion Assessments