Volk Field dates to 1888 and is located adjacent to the village of Camp Douglas in Juneau County, Wisconsin. It is owned by the State of Wisconsin, leased to the U.S. Air Force, licensed to and under the control of the Air National Guard. The three subject areas (PIA Extension, MAR Extension, and BOA) provide coverage further south, east, and west of the former Mortar/Artillery Range (MU505) munitions response site, Former Small Arms Debris Area (SR506) munitions response site, and Potential Civil War Era Impact Area (MU507) munitions response site, and the PIA (also an extension of MU505 munitions response site), along the heavily wooded and sloped bluff that formed a natural backstop for past range activity, with a presumed firing direction to the south-southeast.
Fieldwork was comprised of a surface clearance and analog mag and flag activities completed simultaneously in the accessible areas of each 100– [Symbol] 100-foot grid, utilizing Schonstedt magnetometers and Global Positioning System units for anomaly identification. Surface MEC, munitions debris, and other items were removed and disposed of. Subsurface anomalies, as well as surface MEC and munitions debris, were identified, marked, and recorded with Global Positioning System locations and site photographs. Anomalies were mapped for each extension area and at least 10% were selected for intrusive investigation by manual excavation.
All recovered items from the analog surveys were managed as material potentially presenting an explosive hazard until further inspections could lead to a material documented as safe classification. Items were containerized and secured until released to a contractor for demilitarization and disposition. All MEC encountered during the project were disposed of by detonation within the extension area that they were found. Post-detonation soil samples were collected at each MEC demolition site and analyzed for explosives.