EA provided conditions assessment and recommendations for maintenance and repair and hydraulic
modeling of 26-station vacuum system within Ocean Pines prior to developing design documents and
providing construction oversight support. [Ocean Pines Pumping Station A, Worcester County, April 2014]
- Upgrade of West Ocean City Pumping Station—Prepared contract documents and managed construction for converting pumps to dry pit submersibles, rehabilitation of station, and relocation of pump controls.
- Ocean Pines Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion—Managed construction during critical enhanced natural recovery upgrade.
- Mystic Harbor Lift Station A—Prepared contract documents for complete sewage pump station rehabilitation including wet-well, valve vault, guide rails/maintenance equipment, and controls.
- Glen Riddle Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Evaluation—Provided third-party evaluation of plans for wastewater treatment plant expansion to service additional area growth and provided value engineering design suggestions with respect to cost and space constraints.
- SCADA Planning and Implementation—Developed a SCADA implementation master plan to monitor county-wide water and wastewater facilities.
- Newark Water Tower Design—Designed a million-gallon elevated water storage tank and connection to the existing water distribution system.
- North Water Tower Design, Mystic Harbor—Modeled future demand growth then designed and permitted an elevated water storage tank for West Ocean City.
- Snug Harbor Septic System Upgrade Evaluation—Prepared an Environmental Report and Preliminary Engineering Report to address the residential community served by individual septic systems and County’s desire to use the Rural Utility Service of U.S. Department of Agriculture to fund connection to an existing sewer system.
- Newark Spray Irrigation Design—Provided continuous support in development of proposed spray irrigation field including the Infiltration Rate Study, permit, and reporting as required by MDE, and design for a 120,000–gallon per day spray irrigation facility.
- Ocean Pines Water Main Extension Design—Provided design, bid, and construction oversight for water service expansion to include over 29,000 linear feet of 6- and 8-inch C900 water main to improve the community’s fire protection. Through EA’s active involvement with construction management, administration, and inspection, EA successfully helped the County save over $300,000 in project costs.
- Ocean Pines Sanitary Force Main Design—Provided feasibility evaluation, hydraulic modeling, design, bidding, and construction oversight for over 4- to 24–inch 11,000 linear feet of C900 force main that connected 24 pumping stations.
- Ocean Pines Wastewater Collection System Upgrades—Evaluated existing conditions of 26 vacuum lift stations and overall system including recommendations for maintenance and upgrades as well as hydraulic modeling; then developed bid documents and provided construction oversight for 6 stations in need of repair.