EA supports Eielson Air Force Base’s greenhouse gas compliance program to meet the requirements of EPA 40 CFR 98. EA updates the base’s current greenhouse gas emission unit inventory including units, operations, processes, and activities for which greenhouse gas emissions are calculated. Updates to the greenhouse gas recordkeeping program are managed in a software tool including emissions calculations, methods used, analytical results for the development of site-specific emissions factors, and any facility operating data or process information used for the emissions calculations. EA also updates the Greenhouse Monitoring Plan as necessary and provides assistance/guidance to Eielson Air Force Base personnel as required responding to regulatory comments and questions concerning air compliance issues and programs. EA updates are submitted on-line using EPA’s e-GGRT reporting system with emissions expressed in terms of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulfur hexafluoride, and other fluorinated gases such as nitrogen trifluoride and hydrofluorinated ethers, and carbon dioxide equivalents as required by EPA.